Climate friendly supply of energy




In addition to other efforts we are making to be kind to the environment, we are aiming for sustainable energy supplies. In Spring 2008 ASM Aerosol Service was the first industrial firm in our region to become connected to the newly built high pressure gas network. Since then our energy supply systems have been continually modernised and converted to become climate friendly.

At the same time we could put a new natural gas powered plant into operation: a new boiler replaced an old oil fired boiler and was put into use in the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Compared to the use of heating oil ASM emits around 60 tonnes less CO2 per year as a result of the use of climate friendly natural gas. In addition the new boiler emits significantly less nitrogen oxide than the old boiler.

Since 1 January 2014 ASM, Aerosol-Service AG has been obtaining electricity from Swiss hydropower plants. The first water wheels in Aargau, which powered its grain mills, sawmills and spinning workshops, date back to the 13th century. Hydropower is today the leading source of renewable energy.

In addition, ASM Aerosol-Service AG participates in a voluntary energy and CO2 reduction program of the federal government, in which the CO2 savings target will be achieved by this year (2024).
You can find more information here: CO2 Reductionsprogramm_EN

On top, ASM Aerosol-Service AG has introduced a new environmental management system called Ökoprofit. During the first one-year program, a tailor-made system has been created, focused on reducing resource consumption and increasing resource efficiency.
You can find more information here:  Environmental Management

Certificate Ökoprofit

Certificate Voluntary Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency

Certificate of hydroelectric power